School Nurse - Health Services

Jamie Bubar, Nurse

Jamie Bubar

Email : Jamie Bubar
Phone:(603) 875-3800 x2137

Direct Phone:(603) 875-6700

Secure FAX Number to Nurse: 603-875-8012

Health Services

School health services include administering medication, assessment of acute and chronic health issues and the monitoring of immunizations to keep students in compliance with state regulations. Students are required upon entrance to school to have up-to-date immunizations per the State of New Hampshire. Physical exams are required upon entrance to the school for transfer students within 30 days of starting at Prospect Mountain High School. If your student participates in sports, they are required to have a physical exam upon entrance to the 9th grade. Below please find several health practices in place to keep the students healthy, and ready to learn.

Health Information Form and Over-the-Counter Medication Permission Form

A Health Information/Medication Permission Form must be completed and returned to the Health Office each school year. This form provides important contact information for your student in case of an emergency and gives permission to the school nurse to administer over-the-counter (OTC) medications [i.e.: acetaminophen (generic for Tylenol) and ibuprofen (generic for Advil, Motrin)] to students. Students are NOT permitted to carry and self-administer OTC medications.

Please be sure to notify the health office of changes (contact, medical information or medication) so that your student’s information is up to date and accurate. 

Medication Policy

The State of New Hampshire dictates that all medications, both over-the-counter and prescription, be administered through the health office.  All medications must be brought to the health office by a parent/guardian in the original container, clearly marked with the student's name and dosage.  Laws regarding dispensing medications are strict.

Over-the-Counter Medication

If your student requires an over-the-counter medication that the health office does not offer, parents/guardians must sign the Over the Counter Medication Form allowing the nurse to dispense the medication. These medications are to be brought into the health office in its original container and will only be dispensed to that student.

Prescription Medication

If your student requires a prescription medication, the student’s physician must complete and sign the Prescription Medication Form.  All prescribed medications that need to be taken during the school day or during school-sponsored activities, must be brought to the health office and administered under the supervision of the nurse or any other member of the school staff so designated by the principal. Prescribed medications must be accompanied by a written doctor's order/note which includes date, name of medication, diagnosis, directions, duration of administration, and possible side effects. The Prescription Medication Form may also be used for this same purpose. The medication must be in a prescription bottle. Most pharmacists will provide a bottle for school and one for home if asked. Chronic illnesses and allergies should be made known to the school nurse. Medication prescribed by the physician for these conditions should be supplied to the school as outlined above.

Illness Policy

To ensure a healthy environment we will dismiss all ill students who compromise their own health or the health of the school population to their parents or guardians. Students who have had diarrhea, vomiting, and/or a temperature over 100.0 degrees should be kept home; until free from symptoms without the aid of medication for not less than 24 hours. A student with a bacterial infection that can be spread to other students (strep throat, impetigo, etc.) must be on an antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school. Communication from home is essential in monitoring communicable disease outbreaks.


The State of NH requires that we adhere to the immunization requirements that they establish. Students may be exempt from immunization due to medical or religious exemptions with a Certificate of Religious Exemption form on file in the school. Please keep us updated when your student receives an immunization or has any other significant health concern, possibly requiring medication or hospitalization so that we may work together with other school staff to meet your student’s health and educational goals.

Food Allergies

Serious food allergies are becoming more common. Just traces of certain foods can cause life threatening reactions in susceptible people. Peanuts are the most common but are not the only offender. We are not a peanut-free school so please make sure your student understands they are not to trade foods with other students. What is okay for them may be life threatening to another student. Please note there is no eating on the bus. Some students can react if they just come in contact with certain foods. Washing hands frequently removes trace foods that can be spread unknowingly resulting in reactions. Please have your student’s medical provider complete Allergy Emergency Action Plan and Special Dietary Needs form if your student has a life threatening allergy.